piątek, 30 września 2011

Credit score report Illinois

credit score report Illinois

A credit reference agency is an independent organization. Its primary function is to gather and hold information about consumers and businesses in order to credit score report Illinois help organizations decide whether to give them credit.

Bearing in mind that thousands of transactions of this nature are taking credit score report Illinois place every day, it is essential for any lender to know that any money lent will be repaid. Credit reference agencies do not make lending or borrowing decisions. Put simply, they hold the information that states whether you are a good risk to lend money to or if you are likely to default on your repayment. Having a credit score report Illinois bad credit history makes it very difficult, to obtain finance, a mortgage or a loan or enter into any financial agreement. Credit reference agencies also play a major role in the fight against fraud and identity theft. Financial companies use their stored information in order to assist debt recovery.

There are three major credit reference agencies in the UK. Callcredit plc is one of credit score report Illinois them, the largest being Experian and then Equifax. The Callcredit Information Group is one of the major credit reference agencies in the UK, and works for the private individual as well as large companies in all fields where personal credit data is an issue. free credit report with score Callcredit offers free online credit reports so you can check your own credit history credit score report Illinois yourself.

By accessing your own personal credit information, you will be able to see the same information that is available to your lender and others who may need this information.

Once you apply for credit, the first thing your lender will do is to check your credit history and use this information to make a decision. By knowing exactly what is on your credit report you can be confident that you will be able to present yourself in the best possible light to your lender. Many borrowers are uncertain whether they meet lending criteria and can be pleasantly surprised by their credit report.

Sometimes a credit report will show problems that you may be unaware of. For example, your name may be linked credit score report Illinois to someone who has defaulted on payment or has had a county court judgment against him or her. credit history reports It may reveal that you have left an outstanding debt or an unpaid forgotten credit score report Illinois bill.

You may even have been subject to identity theft without knowing. By seeing exactly what is on display on your own online credit report, you are able to rectify these problems, pay off a forgotten bill and improve your financial history. If your name is linked financially to someone else, such as an ex partner, you can remove your financial links by downloading a disassociation form from the Callcredit website. You have the statutory right to see all your personal credit information held by financial institutions and can get an instant credit check online by simply logging into the Callcredit website.

Statutory credit reports cost 2 each and include comprehensive and detailed credit history. Callcredit is permitted under the Data Protection Act 1998 to charge you 2 for each request Another option is to sign up to the Callcredit online credit reporting service.

Here you will be allowed to access unlimited credit reports, a free credit score and advice about your credit rating and how to improve it.

The online credit report service credit score report Illinois is free for the first 30 days credit score report Illinois as a trial period and then costs 12 per 3 months Once you have established your login details with Callcredit check, you will be sent an email (alerts) if there are significant changes to your credit report including all applications for credit. view free credit report online This way you will be able to ensure that false applications have not been made an indicator of identity fraud.

This is a useful service and you can cancel Callcredit at any time so you credit score report Illinois are not locked into a binding agreement.

Company credit report Massachusetts

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Yet even a fixed rate can change, but the creditor must inform you in writing. There are also different APRs for different types of balances- balance transfers or purchases. Balance- The amount you company credit report Massachusetts owe the credit card company at any given time. The higher your balance, the lower your available credit. Balance Transfer- The process company credit report Massachusetts of moving debt from one creditor to another.

Card company credit report Massachusetts issuers often offer low interest rates on balance transfers to entice new business. Credit Limit- The maximum amount you can charge to company credit report Massachusetts your card. If you go over this limit, heavy fines are applied by the creditor. Grace Period- The amount of time after your payment due date and before late fees are applied to your account. If you have already used your grace period in a previous month, you company credit report Massachusetts may not have one available. get my free credit report Balance transfers and cash advances usually do not company credit report Massachusetts have grace periods. Introductory Rate- Also called a Teaser Rate, this is when credit card companies offer low introductory interest rates to get your business. However, they very often balloon to much higher rates later.

Minimum Payment- The minimum amount you can pay each month and still avoid going into default. For example, making the minimum payment on $5000 each month company credit report Massachusetts will result in you paying almost $2000 in interest alone. Principal- The amount of money you borrowed before interest is applied. free and credit report Transaction Fees and other charges- Many credit cards contain costs outside the normal monthly payments. Cash advance fees, late fees and over the limit fees are a few examples. The credit world is full of jargon and slang only those in the know are familiar with.

Do not get taken for a ride because company credit report Massachusetts you do not understand the terms. Spend a little time becoming an expert on your money. Clint Alexander invites you join him on his quest for a Debt Free Life. When you fully commit to realizing that life you have only dreamed of free from worry and empowered company credit report Massachusetts to succeed, good things will start to happen.

Remember- do your research and find products that are best for you.

For a good start, try Christian Whitings outstanding program Debt Busters at http://familybudgetguide.info. Tags: Credit, Terminology Posted company credit report Massachusetts in fixed rate credit cards | Comments Off If youre a student, it is understood that you company credit report Massachusetts dont have an established credit history. get free credit card That is why you need to select the lowest apr rate student credit card after the initial sign up period. But even if you have a good reputation own your credit history, you must quality for a reasonable interest rate as a student.

czwartek, 29 września 2011

Credit ratings Washington

credit ratings Washington

Career development loans are available from a select few high street banks, and although you do not need to be a consumer of theirs, you will most likely need to open an account credit ratings Washington with them to receive the credit ratings Washington actual loan. The primary benefit of career development financial loans is that they are what are called deferred loans. This really is comparable to a student loan, in which credit ratings Washington you only start making the repayments following the loan term has ended, which is typically just a little a lot more than the duration of the course youre taking. Throughout the loan term, the actual Department for Education (DfE) credit ratings Washington pays the interest, after which credit ratings Washington once the loan finished you repay the loan using a fixed interest rates. Even though the rate can differ between various lenders, they are typically less than normal personal loans simply because they are portion of a government program. free full credit report In gerenal terms you are able to borrow between £300 credit ratings Washington £8,000, as well as the CDL can be employed to pay up to 80% needless to say fees and 100% of associated expenses for example travel and materials. Nevertheless, in case you are unemployed the loan could be able to cover all the charges for the study course.

The CDLs are a great way to invest within your future career and give you the abilities which you need to progress further. Even though you have to pay the loan back with interest, you will not be paying credit ratings Washington anything throughout your course, as well as the cash which you pay back needs to be countered by the additional wages you are able to credit ratings Washington earn along with your new abilities. best free credit report website Nevertheless, as with any other loan you ought to make sure that its correct for you and which you will be able to make credit ratings Washington the repayments once you finish the course. Not many people are eager to invest in stock market these days. The recession has done no good to the stock market.

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Moreover, the alternatives of available investment chances are many.

some people may have different specifications hence not a single investment choice suits all, still considering the uncertain financial situations, it is far too ineluctable for all the people to overlook more secured investment savings. Amongst all the present investment database, fixed rate savings bonds are one that can be considered. These secure the holder with a particular interest value after a certain credit ratings Washington fixed term. Among all, fixed credit ratings Washington term bonds are more likely better to invest. completely free credit report

These things make the fixed rate bonds the cool choice for all of the people interested credit ratings Washington in saving their funds whose credit ratings Washington main qualifying measure is protection on their investments. Benefits of credit ratings Washington Fixed Term Bonds Because fixed rate bonds are protected investment plan the are given with credit ratings Washington a somewhat lower than certain other unprotected investment fund plans.

Credit checks Louisiana

credit checks Louisiana

Considering how so many credit checks Louisiana problems are built by the character businesses, its vital for borrowers to match the details forced the lock by credit checks Louisiana banks with their own documents to make sure of accurateness.For hard inquiries, which actually come to pass only following the personal under consideration has positively pursued another lending income opportunity or appreciable bad credit card debt assistance formula like bills settlement negotiating, there will be clue of pointed credit scores, but by far challenges tend to be woefully overblown. free credit report trial First, then entire listing of complicated queries quieten down the hundreds by precisely identical portion, your home data advocate you truly carried out for only a gas credit card or domestic credit checks Louisiana mortgage finance, and the drip is so that relatively infinitesimal (around 14 targets) and brief (around three months) this actually its incredibly unlikely that an individual will shed eligibility understanding. free credit report from 3 bureaus To tell the truth, your only precious credit checks Louisiana time borrowers needs to genuinely are worried about very difficult inquires will be if these are courting a host of different finance forex brokers or relief stores, and, in such an instance, it might be wise to meet with the treatments directly and give them all an until now required reproduce of the credit during each consultation.. Police The RatiosTo require another example of approaches clients may unintentionally take their self inside the start by working to enhance their unique credit ratings alongside a minimal arrest of the particular corporate score mechanisms, please do not an excessive amount venerate the age of your providers of ignore the value of many amount of available praise which buy. annual credit reporting

środa, 28 września 2011

Best credit report Denver

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This card must offer an annual percentage rate in the mid-teens, or about 16 percent to 17 percent. Also, the students must realize that there are various cards offered that dont usually charge annual fee and offer a grace period of at least 20 days, which can be key if they do not make their monthly payment best credit report Denver on time. The lowest apr rate student credit card is on one of the most appealing type of cards that you can get online. The best low interest cards are used for FICO score which includes low fixed rate, 0% apr balance transfer, cash back and best credit report Denver low rate credit cards with other type of rewards, and no annual fee. Each year, the students across the country are bombarded with lost of credit card that offers the most promising benefits. Normally, they will have to avail from five to seven offers during their first week on campus. Dont be surprised if you find in your campus best credit report Denver some booths that will offer goodies only to find out that you will need to sign up for a credit card on a spot. While its a tempting offer, you can still get the finest deals of lowest apr rate student credit card online. Want to start saving using Student Credit Cards, visit StudentCreditCardsUsa.com. free credit report band Tags: Credit, Essential, Lowest, Remember, Student, Things Posted in fixed rate credit cards | Comments Off According best credit report Denver to http://www.bankrate.com, the top three MasterCards based on carry a balance were issued by Capital One, Pulaski best credit report Denver Bank and Trust Company, and. The Capital One MasterCard was listed as the best for card holders who generally carried a balance on their credit card. The card had a variable APR (Annual Percentage Rate) six point nine percent (6.9%). There was no annual fee, although other fees apply. There is a twenty five days grace period However, many of these benefits were only applicable if the card was applied for online, plus the APR could change based on the applicants credit history. Pulaski Bank and Trust Company This personal standard MasterCard offers card holders a low APR seven point nine nine percent (7.99%), which was also a fixed best credit report Denver rate. copy of free credit report The Pulaski Bank MasterCards listed here were the personal standard and personal gold card. Both attracts annual fee of $35 and $50, respectively. Both cards best credit report Denver also had an overlimit fee of $29, but no fees were payable for cash advance. Fifth Third Banks platinum MasterCard was rated third in MasterCards based on APR rating where balances are carried best credit report Denver forward. The card offers an attractive eight percent variable rate APR. This card a prime rate card so only best credit report Denver applicants with great credit will qualify for the eight percent. However, other applicants if they do not qualify for the prime rate will not have to best credit report Denver pay the $85 annual fee. Other fees include a $39 charge for late payments and $35 for overlimit spending.

A twenty days grace period is available as well which is good if you sometimes have difficulty paying on time.

These benefits are also available to qualified best credit report Denver applicants who apply online and live in certain states. To apply for these and other MasterCard credit cards, Eric Wasselman recommends Find Credit Cards.

Tags: Cards, Credit, MasterCard Posted in fixed rate credit best credit report Denver cards | Comments Off There seems to be adverts for credit card deals everywhere at the moment, all offering different rates and incentives to try and get you to sign up. identity theft protection You may be trying to work out which best credit report Denver one is best for you. Well, as you might think, the answer here depends on your personal financial situation.

I will outline the 3 main types of credit card offer currently available and describe who they will suit the best.

0% Interest For A Fixed Period This is probably the most widespread offer out there at the moment and for most people it is the best.

How do i get a free credit report New York

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While its true mortgage lenders have become more cautious as a result of the massive rise in defaults and foreclosures on mortgages, this is largely due to the limited return on equity that mortgages return, and not on any actual concern of consumers not being able to afford their loans.

Lenders have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they really dont care much one way or the other.

With the credit card companies having nearly tapped the country dry, theyre now looking abroad for their next victims, with American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault confirming that the company was now targeting affluent Americans and new customers abroad.

Meanwhile Citigroup opened 2.3 million new card accounts in Mexico and India where the economy is growing. Apparently those consumers havent seen what those credit cards have done to our country. With their claws already dug into much of the nation, its now up to consumers to somehow find a way to wriggle out of the credit companies grasp. The trouble is the cyclical nature of credit card debt, with a load of debt taking potentially years to pay off, often to the point of detriment that the consumer needs to begin using that card to buy household needs because that money is how do i get a free credit report New York going towards the credit card payments. free credit check history Look at replacing the card with a new low fixed how do i get a free credit report New York APR credit card. The outlook for credit issuers may be rosy, with billions of untapped consumers in far flung reaches of the world, but for those how do i get a free credit report New York whove been left behind in their wake, the future looks grim. Further job cuts, a weakening housing market and higher costs of living will leave fewer Americans unexposed in the years ahead. Now is the perfect time to encounter more about low fixed apr credit cards. Tags: Credit, Levels, Sustainable Posted in fixed rate credit cards | Comments Off In todays economy, more than ever before, people are finding themselves with credit card debt. free uk credit report If your credit card bills have piled up to the point of hopelessness, know that there are action steps you can take to eliminate your credit card debt or at the very least make it more manageable. It will certainly take some negotiating work how do i get a free credit report New York on your part, but in the end it could be well worth it. Lets look at what your to do list should look like.

First you are going to need to come how do i get a free credit report New York up with an action plan. This simply means to sit down with all of your credit card debts and decide what it is you want to how do i get a free credit report New York negotiate. Determine how much debt you how do i get a free credit report New York have, what your current interest rates are and what your monthly minimums are. You will also want to figure out how how do i get a free credit report New York much disposable money you currently have in case you decide to negotiate a lump sum settlement. After you have your action plan mapped out it is time to start calling your credit card companies. free annual credit check

Once you have a rep from your company on the phone work with them to see if they will negotiate your interest rate, waive any late fees, set up a how do i get a free credit report New York payment plan or if they how do i get a free credit report New York will take a lump sum settlement.

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Do this by first costs report login credit on line for a. The Truth About Free Credit Reports Offered Online EXPRESS APPLICATION and the credit report from 3 Atlanta highest bad credit personal loans approval rate online. Fast secured personal loans and auto loans for people with less than perfect credit. You would have come across many tempting advertisements of websites that claim to offer free credit reports. Be cautious before you sign up for any such service as it may not be the credit report that you are looking for. Only the Federal Trade Commission gives three free credit reports every year. You can get one credit report each from the three main credit reporting companies, Transunion, Experian and Equifax without any charges once in a year.

These free credit reports are available on annualcreditreport.com.

Other websites do not give you free credit reports that you are supposed to get under federal law. Once they get you to sign up, they may charge you for many services that you do not need such as credit monitoring products. They often deceive the users into believing that they are getting the free credit reports to which they are legally entitled. get credit report free online There are various traps set by these sites for making you credit report from 3 Atlanta pay for their services, such as automatic charges after the end of credit report from 3 Atlanta the trial period and even charges for services that you did not opt for.

For example, the site may advertise that it will provide free credit reports if you give it your credit card number. Then it can use your credit card number to charge you for those supposedly ‘free’ credit reports. You may not even realize that you are being charged for these services until you check your statement. These sites usually offer a free trial period during which most of their services are free.

But if you do not go to the site and unregistered after that, then you get charged for the credit reports without any prior notification. free credit reports.com However, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act 2009 (or the CARD Act) stops these sites from making misleading claims about free credit reports. They will have to put a disclosure on their site that clearly explains the nature of their products. They also have to disclose that you will be charged after the trial period.

This rule will also apply to TV and radio advertisements as well from September 2010.

Some of these sites have now stopped claiming that they offer free credit reports and they disclose that they just offer free trials or credit scores. But they might again try credit report from 3 Atlanta to come up with innovative ideas to attract customers, so be wary of any site offering free services related to credit reports. Business Credit Report: Free Online Business Credit Reports If you credit report from 3 Atlanta have bad credit, it can impact your life in a number of ways.

If you want a loan for a car, a home, or for debt consolidation, you need to have a decent debt payment history.

The bigger the amount of credit you are after, the better your credit history will have to be. If you have made a few bad choices along the way, credit report from 3 Atlanta and have outstanding debts that are bringing your credit score down, there are things you can do about it. free credit report from all 3 bureaus The first step is to get a credit report from 3 Atlanta copy of your government credit report. Be wary of websites that offer a free government credit report and then ask for your credit card details. If they ask for your credit card details, then it is likely that you will be signed up to a scheme from which you will have to unsubscribe, else you will be charged a monthly fee. The true business credit credit report from 3 Atlanta reports are free, and while they may ask you for some personal information to verify who you are, they wont ask for your credit card details.

wtorek, 27 września 2011

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poniedziałek, 26 września 2011

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Your free credit report provides you how do i get a free credit report Raleigh-Durham with information that is in your credit file maintained by the consumer reporting companies which could be given in a report about you to a lender. A credit report lists the full detail on how do i get a free credit report Raleigh-Durham all your credit accounts. It only takes a couple of minutes to view and print your credit report file so there isn't any reason not to how do i get a free credit report Raleigh-Durham do so. http://www.how do i get a free credit report Raleigh-Durham annualfreecreditreport.biz Financial Services industry November 2009 Present (1 year 11 months) Requesting how do i get a free credit report Raleigh-Durham Your Free Annual Credit Report From Equifax, Experian and TransUnion Reporting Companies is Quick, Easy and Secure. credit report rights View Full Profile As a LinkedIn member, you'll join 120 million professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities. Search for people you know from over 120 million professionals already on LinkedIn. Example: Jeff Weiner By using this site, you agree to LinkedIn's terms of use. Commercial use of this site without express authorization is prohibited. How to get your free FICO score and avoid getting ripped off Thank you!You are signed up to receive the latest deals, offers and tips! free annual credit report from government Updated List Of Free Credit Report Promotional Deals Below That pirate band from the seafood restaurant has changed its tune. For years, singer-songwriter Eric Violette portrayed the harried lead singer of a musical group forced into a series of dead end jobs and sticky situations because they didn't keep close enough watch over their credit how do i get a free credit report Raleigh-Durham reports. When new federal rules prohibited credit bureaus from marketing "free credit reports" in conjunction with subscription services came out these commercials disappeared from the airways. Since nearly everything today from getting a mortgage, applying for a credit card, and even getting a job depends on your credit score, where can you get free information about your credit? Not from the government Free FICO scores aren't included in the government mandated credit how do i get a free credit report Raleigh-Durham reports offered by AnnualCreditReport.com. annual credit report free credit report That's because the contents of your free credit report are facts, while any credit score results from passing those facts through proprietary risk equations. Although lawmakers like to debate over rules that would make credit scores free to consumers, it still costs money to see the same three-digit numbers that banks use to determine creditworthiness.

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GoFreeCredit is a company offering credit scores from each of the three bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). Each bureau uses annual credit report Utah its own slightly different calculation to determine your credit score, and each may still differ further from the FICO score, the credit score used by most lenders to determine your risk profile and your annual credit report Utah interest rates. Even though there are some differences, the more numbers you have, the better understanding you can get of how the financial industry sees you. With GoFreeCredit, you can annual credit report Utah receive a score from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion when you enroll in their program called Triple Score Complete. This is a $19.95 per month service, but its free for 7 days. If you do not want to pay $19.95 and take annual credit report Utah advantage of what is offered under Triple Score Complete, annual credit report Utah you must cancel before the 7 day trial period is over. credit report score free This short annual credit report Utah period of time worries me, because if there is a delay between the day you initiate the cancellation to the day the company processes your request, you could easily go beyond the 7 calendar-day period, prompting the first $19.95 charge. THe best course of action is to register, verify your identity, access your credit scores, and cancel immediately if you do not wish to enroll in Triple Score Complete. If you do annual credit report Utah wish to enroll, you will receive these services: Although its vague, I later determined the information included in number one refers annual credit report Utah to a consolidated credit annual credit report Utah report and tips from each bureau, as youll see later. copy of free credit report I dont see how number four in annual credit report Utah the list above is different than number two, but I suppose four points seem to be more of a value than three. Credit monitoring and alerts can be useful services, but not for everyone. Many years ago, someone I knew had her identity stolen and damaged by her father and she locked down her credit.

If you believe youre more at risk for identity theft than average, credit monitoring could give you peace of mind. If youve had your identity stolen, credit monitoring is the minimum you should do to protect yourself.

When you sign up, you will be charged or debited with a refundable $1 processing fee, and youre reminded in very small print that youll need to cancel within seven days to avoid the $19.95 charge. In order to cancel, GoFreeCredit provides a phone number to call, but you should also be able annual credit report Utah to cancel by accessing your account online. fast free credit report I went through this process, and this is what I experienced.

niedziela, 25 września 2011

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Your credit free credit checks Montgomery score is a number calculated from such factors as the amount of outstanding credit on the amount due, the ability to pay all past bills on time, how long you've free credit checks Montgomery had credit, types of credit you use and the number of consultations.

The three major credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion credit scores all sell to lenders. Fair Isaac is a leading developer of credit ratings used by credit reporting agencies.

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Interest rates on loans are significantly affected by credit history, free credit checks Montgomery the higher the rating, plus interest, while free credit checks Montgomery the lower the rating, plus interest.

The greatest interest is used to compensate for higher free credit checks Montgomery default rates in the low credit rating group of individuals. Ininsurance in the United States, housing and employment is denied based on a rating négative.Notez that this is not the credit bureaus to decide whether a credit history is "free credit checks Montgomery undesirable." Lender or creditor is the person who makes that decision, each lender has its own policy on what scores fall within their guidelines. free credit report site

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Is it a home equity loan, a home purchase loan, or a refinance loan? Even before you check around and search for a mortgage loan, you need to know more details about your mortgage interest rates. The mortgage loan rates will affect your monthly repayment, thats obvious. For this reason, you need to know which type of mortgage rate is right for you.

There are basically two mortgage rates, the Variable and the Fixed. So long as the loan exists, its going to have that same interest rate.

The good thing about the fixed rate mortgage loan is it can stop you from paying bigger interest rate in the long run. A Variable Rate Loan on the other hand may vary on the prime rate. At times, it could have a decreased rate or perhaps a higher interest rate, the threatening part. To pick which mortgage rate is right for you, you may look for a mortgage loan calculator or talk to an expert to help you out with the formula of your mortgage. free credit report online instantly

Another thing you order a free credit report have to keep in mind is you have to be particular about the kind order a free credit report of mortgage you are getting.

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Its not only important to save money on your Medigap insurance policy, but get free advice on Medical issues related to your Medicare Part A and Part B in advance of seeking advice from a doctor or medical services provider (such as in a hospital).

Click on the following link if are seeking additional free information on Medicare: Medicare Information Many fellow retirees are searching for ways to save money each month, and one good way to save money each month is on your monthly Medigap order a free credit report insurance premiums.

The key is to have your policy re-evaluated by a professional. In many instances (if not a majority of the cases) you can save you a significant amount of money each month on your Medigap Insurance Premiums. Be sure to get a free quote to help save up to 67% on your Medigap Insurance Premiums. credit check 3

Its not only important to save money on your Medigap insurance policy, but get free advice order a free credit report on Medical issues related to your Medicare Part A order a free credit report and Part B in advance of seeking advice from a doctor or medical services provider (such as in a hospital).